Presales More than a Technical Win

Modern Presales – More Than the Technical Win

Beyond the Technical Win – The new Presales Imperative

While securing the „technical win“ is a satisfying moment, presales and solution engineers know their job doesn’t end with a signed contract. That’s because your customer’s journey is just beginning, and the biggest hurdles often lie ahead.

This post explores why embracing a „post-sales“ mindset right from the presales stage brings immense value. By focusing on your customer’s success beyond the deal, you build stronger relationships, differentiate yourself, and ultimately, become a trusted partner, not just a vendor.

Here’s how a proactive presales approach empowers both you and your customer:

1. Educate, Don’t Just Sell: Discussing potential roadblocks and time-wasters upfront positions you as a knowledgeable guide, not just a salesperson. By empowering your customer with realistic expectations, you minimize surprises and disruptions in their implementation journey.

  • Example: During the presales process, instead of solely focusing on product features, discuss common implementation challenges specific to the customer’s industry or use case. Share case studies where similar customers encountered roadblocks and how they overcame them. Proactively suggest best practices and potential workarounds.

2. Proactive Problem-Solving: Anticipate and address potential post-sales challenges before the sale. This foresight builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to their long-term success, fostering a collaborative partnership.

  • Example: Identify potential integration complexities with existing systems early on. Suggest alternative configurations or compatibility testing measures to mitigate risks. Discuss potential data migration challenges and propose solutions to ensure a smooth transition.

3. Partnership Over Vendorship: When your focus shifts to the customer’s success from the outset, you’re building lasting relationships built on trust, not just product expertise. This positions you as a true partner, invested in their overall goals.

  • Example: Go beyond product demos and involve the customer in solution design workshops. Actively listen to their concerns and tailor the solution to their specific needs and goals. Regularly communicate updates and involve them in the decision-making process.

4. Set Realistic Expectations: Transparent communication about potential post-sale challenges builds trust and sets realistic expectations. Customers appreciate knowing what lies ahead and feel supported in navigating future hurdles.

  • Example: Don’t underpromise and overdeliver. Be upfront about potential implementation timelines, resource requirements, and potential training needs. Discuss potential post-sales support options and available service level agreements.

5. Highlight Value Beyond the Product: Your role transcends mere technical specifications. Guide and support your customer throughout the solution lifecycle, from purchase to full implementation and beyond. Showcase your commitment to their long-term success.

  • Example: Showcase success stories where your team provided ongoing support and helped customers achieve measurable results beyond the initial product implementation. Offer access to training resources, user communities, and knowledge bases to empower their team.

6. Differentiation in a Competitive Market: This forward-thinking approach sets you and your team apart. By offering a unique buying experience that anticipates and addresses future challenges, you’re not just selling a product; you’re offering peace of mind.

By becoming a trusted guide who helps them manage risks and anticipate challenges, you multiply the value you provide tenfold. Start the conversation, embrace the post-sales mindset, and watch your partnerships thrive.

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