Visual Storyboard: Make your Demo more memorable by leveraging Spatial Memory

Have you ever noticed how you can effortlessly recall the layout of your favorite café but struggle to remember a simple grocery list? This contrast is due to the power of spatial memory. By harnessing this natural ability, you can enhance your audience’s retention of the key messages in your demos. Understanding and leveraging spatial […]

What’s the Sellers Role during a Software Demo?

The Software Demo: What’s the Seller’s Role? Software demos offer a powerful way to demonstrate how your product uniquely addresses your prospect’s most pressing business challenges. A well-executed demo can mean the difference between securing a deal or hearing a disappointing „no“. However, with solutions engineers (SEs) or other technical leads in the spotlight, it’s […]

The Power of Strategic Entry and Exit Criteria to Enhance the Success of your Software Demos

Imagine your sales strategy as a precisely calibrated engine. Without deliberate guidelines, this engine might function, but its performance wouldn’t be optimal or consistent. This is where the significance of entry and exit criteria comes into the picture, acting as a blueprint for a structured and high-quality sales process – ensuring the engine runs smoothly […]

Mastering your Software Demos and Complexity with Layered Information

From all the demos I’ve seen, there’s a recurring mistake. Getting into the specific cababilities of your software prematurely. When your potential customers is far from being ready for this level of input. The concept of „Layered Information“ is about tailoring the depth and complexity of the information you are going to present based on […]

The Hidden Cost of Accepting Compliments During your Demo

Receiving compliments during a product demo can feel rewarding, signaling that we are on the right track. However, while positive feedback is always appreciated, it’s crucial to approach compliments with a discerning mindset, especially in the context of a demo. This blog post aims to shed light on why compliments can be misleading during demos […]

How Long Should My Demo Last?

Great Demos Stimulate Conversations and Naturally Last Longer Ask yourself: How much time did you spend on your last demo? Was it 60, 90, or even 120 minutes? Many of my clients wonder about the ideal length for a software demo. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on the type of demo you’re giving. For […]


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