When 3rd-Party Consultants Are ‚Helping‘ with Vendor Selection – and How to Avoid Their Feature Checklist Mess

If you’ve ever had to deal with external consultants during a customer’s vendor selection process, you know the struggle. You walk into the meeting, ready to solve the customer’s problem, and then it happens. The consultant shows up with their massive feature matrix. “Does your product do this?”“Can you show us that?” Suddenly, the focus […]
Visual Storyboard: Make your Demo more memorable by leveraging Spatial Memory

Have you ever noticed how you can effortlessly recall the layout of your favorite café but struggle to remember a simple grocery list? This contrast is due to the power of spatial memory. By harnessing this natural ability, you can enhance your audience’s retention of the key messages in your demos. Understanding and leveraging spatial […]
The Importance of Solution Consultants Knowing About Their Customers‘ Buying Journey

Buying complex enterprise software has become more difficult than ever before. What has been a linear process in the past (and is still illustrated this way) has become a tedious back and forth. Rather than following a clear structure, it is a concurrent process of searching for information, validating, and aligning key stakeholders across time […]
How to lose Business – The Urge to Show every single Feature during your software demo!

Overcoming the urge to show all you bells ans whistles is tough. Every feature has its right to exist and has been developed for a reason. But going into too much detail can quickly cause an information overload and is one main reason for losing your audience and ultimately their business. Managing the complexity and […]
Deliver your Demo in Short Sprints rather than Long Marathons

The importance of avoiding monologues and a good „Talk-to-Listen“ Ratio In one of the previous articles we have covered the ideal duration of your software demonstration. Furthermore, extensive data analysis has revealed that winning demos stimulate conversations, especially during the second half of your demo. Still, you might be wondering what is the right ratio […]
How to Reduce the Complexity of your Software Demonstration to not Lose your Audience

The Importance of Managing Complexity Managing the complexity of your software demonstration is a key success factor for not losing your audience. In one of our recent blog-posts, you can learn that winning demos are delivered in short sprints rather then endless monologues. When planning and doing your demo you have to be careful regarding […]