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Aka the ‚Hot #Potatoe‚ of the software enterprise sales 馃 In enterprise sales, it is becoming increasingly challenging to close deals due to the rising number of stakeholders involved in the purchasing decision on the customer side. To overcome this challenge, a critical success factor in enterprise sales is about 饾椈饾棶饾槂饾椂饾棿饾棶饾榿饾椂饾椈饾棿 饾榿饾椀饾棽 饾棻饾椂饾槂饾棽饾椏饾榾饾棽 饾椊饾棽饾椏饾榾饾椊饾棽饾棸饾榿饾椂饾槂饾棽饾榾, 饾椂饾椈饾榿饾棽饾椏饾棽饾榾饾榿饾榾, […]
Looking for Love in Presales? The Need for Approval in B2B-Sales

Are you looking for love in Presales and Solution Engineering? Then this is the right post for you! In this article, we are looking at how your passion for creating relationships and being likeable influences your presales performance. And how your need for approval affects your sales efficiency. Need for Approval We have all been […]
The Yes-Man – Software Demo Mistakes

If you ask me about one of the most decisive turning points of my presales and sales career, it is the moment I realized that you can actually disagree with your clients! And that they don’t walk away from you if you challenge their point of view! But when I started in software sales, I […]
Leading the Witness – Discovery Mistakes B2B Software Sales

Presales Discovery Call gone Wrong The discovery call is undoubtedly one of the single most important steps in our sales cycle and can easily make or break our deals. I’ve been through hundreds of discovery sessions in my sales career and read through a dozen frameworks to improve my interrogation skills. I became quickly better […]
Does it make sense to ask „Does it make sense“?

Have you ever used this question yourself? You want to be compassionate and affirm your prospect understands what you are saying. But in reality, you are making things worse. It’s a dumb question. Don’t ever ask that question during your demo! You put yourself in a position of weakness. Asking that question creates uncertainty on […]
How to lose Business – The Urge to Show every single Feature during your software demo!

Overcoming the urge to show all you bells ans whistles is tough. Every feature has its right to exist and has been developed for a reason. But going into too much detail can quickly cause an information overload and is one main reason for losing your audience and ultimately their business. Managing the complexity and […]