Saying ‚No‘ in Presales to Poorly Qualified Demos, POCs, RFPs and Opportunities
Have you ever been involved in an Request for Proposal (#RFP), a #demo, or a Proof of Concept (#POC) and thought to yourself that the chances of winning are very low? It’s a common situation. 🤔 Choosing to let go of an opportunity is not about being uninterested or unhelpful; it’s about making thoughtful decisions […]
7 Reasons Why Presales and Solution Engineering are not a Free Resource
Presales and solution engineering are often perceived as a complimentary service, a misconception that can lead to a devaluation of its true worth. This article aims to shed light on the critical reasons why presales should never be considered a free resource, highlighting the importance of proper valuation and investment in these vital activities. Presales […]
How to lose Business – The Urge to Show every single Feature during your software demo!
Overcoming the urge to show all you bells ans whistles is tough. Every feature has its right to exist and has been developed for a reason. But going into too much detail can quickly cause an information overload and is one main reason for losing your audience and ultimately their business. Managing the complexity and […]